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A compilation of stories, telescopes, internship resources, and other things radio astronomy.

Sharing a neat booklet I found in my parents' basement

Scoping out Radio Astronomy

A blog dedicated to telling the history of radio astronomy: its evolution, its discoveries, and its telescopes

Sharing a neat booklet I found in my parents' basement

Olivia Wilkins

I don’t know where they came from, but I have a bunch of Science Service Science Program boxed sets from the 1960s among my belongings in my parent’s basement. The booklets in these boxes are really cool. They’re full of drawings and photographs of all different areas of research and tech, from Magnets and Magnetism and Earthquakes to Ballistics and Space Flight Communications.

One of my Science Service Science Program boxes.

Among them, I found a Radio and Radar Astronomy booklet in pristine condition, carefully packaged in bubble wrap. I think I bought it off of eBay several years ago, and I completely forgot about it. Even the 12 stickers in it are intact!

I thought it was really neat, so I just wanted to share it with you :)